Sunday 10 October 2010

Inspired by Wrightson

As an astronomer I get to visit remote highlands across the world, where most observatories are located. This time work has brought me to Mt.Hopkins in the Arizonian desert of Tucson. Besides Mt. Hopkins, stands the great Mt. Wrightson which is slightly higher than Mt. Hopkins and now more dry because it was burnt down by a massive forest fire 5-6 years ago. Both these peaks form a part of the Coronado national park- best known for black bears and mountain lions. And as I sit in the dorm kitchen with a cup of coffee thinking about loved ones, my future and the uncertainty of life... the latter thought provoken by the sad news of the death of an esteemed astronomer and fellow colleague who has inspired me at several stages in my career and more recently in the general ways of life, a few words float in my head and connect it to my heart.

Before me were many who endured
this solitude in this wilderness,
and there will be many hence....
But as I watch out thy majestic self Wrightson
I feel blessed, and at peace, and meagre in all sense.
Blessed to have had the opportunity to see you,
and being loved by the ones who fill my heart.
Peace engulfs me as I think of you, you who saw
many a centuries pass by, and many a generations.
You saw it all that exists under the blue skies
and still stand alone, enduring it all.
And meagre as I am in the world.. with an uncertain
span of time at my hands, and for sure too short to
do it all and see it all. But I still find peace within me
to have been loved and cared for,
even when encountering failures as big as a wall.
I feel satisfied that I told them what they
mean to me, before its too late.
I did what I wanted to, most times in my life.
And although not as majestic as thy, I still stand
proud for being the reason for a few smiles, a few
inspirations, and the pride of two men's life.

Thursday 19 August 2010

To you...

Like a windfall of dreams into my life you came,

you.... who accepted me for who I am,

yet changed me to a better person than I was.

I'm indebted to you for all I learn about love

everyday; I adore you for just being there,

I respect you for who you are,

but I love you for loving me this way.

No words can express how I feel about you,

but I love you very much, is all I can say.

I belong to you, for all I am,

and sense the pride that you take in being mine.

I'm not good with words I know, but

I also know that you know all I have to say.

Every moment in life is a dream with you,

and I now live in a beautiful one all day.

No actions or words define how I feel about you,

but I love you very much, is all I can say.

I want to cherish you for life, to love you,

and being loved even if we have to strive.

I promise to be there, my love, and

I promise to be a part of all you do.

Be mine forever, is all I ask, and

have faith in the choice of my way.

No words can express how I feel about you,

but I love you very much, is all I can say.

Friday 13 August 2010


People come, people go,
what stays behind are memories.
People say, people do,
whats left behind are emotions.
But life goes on, as time goes on,
and we start fooling ourselves with
the people themselves.
Its not them that matters,
what matters is how they felt.
How they felt in my company,
how I felt for them, no matter
if I met them again. No matter
if I did what they wanted. I am
the fortunate one to know them,
and blessed to have been known.
So care for those who care, and
adore those who don't. Love the ones
who love, and even those who won't.
Life is too long with hatred, and too
short for love. So cherish 'NOW',
as best as you may, and leave the
rest for nature, to sort out
in its own sweet way.

Have a good day!
